You will find the latest information about my corals on this page. My aquarium is constantly evolving and growing.
Coral List (Lineage) (Date):
AL Rando Acropora (Aqualife) (02/23)
ARC Master Yoda (TCK) (03/23)
BC Bubblebath Unicorn (On Point Corals) (03/23)
BigR Walt Disney (Luke/Santa Rosa) (03/23)
BKChem Fruit Loops (AquaSD) (06/23)
Blue Eyed Blondes Zoa (Reefers Cove (Liz)) (15'-16')
Branching Cyphastrea (Timmy) (06/23)
BSA Killshot Acan (TCK) (05/23)
BSA Hypnotoad Zoas (BSA) (05/23)
CB Flaming Bugatti Chalice (Violet Aquariums) (05/23)
Exosphere Zoas (Luke Santa Rosa) (3/23)
VA MyMiami Chalice (Violet Aquariums) (05/23)
Garf Bonsai (TFP) (03/23)
JF Azzkrak Zoas (BSA) (05/23)
JF Crazy Fox Chalice (BSA) (05/23)
JF HomeWrecker (Son Nguyen) (04/23)
JF Jack'O'Lantern Lepto (Timmy) (02/23)
Meteor Shower Cyphastrea (BSA) (05/23)
Miami Hurricane Chalice (Violet Aquariums) (05/23)
Oregon Tort (TCK) (03/23)
Oregon Mummy Eye (Timmy) (02/23)
Rasta Zoas (Timmy) (03/23)
RMF Acid Trip Millipora (AquaSD) (06/23)
RRA Bleeding Avengers (On Point Corals) (03/23)
RRC LV (TCK) (03/23)
RRC Pink Cadillac (TCK) (05/23)
RR The Vinh (TCK) (03/23)
SKA Jackpot (TCK) (03/23)
TCK Birthday Cake (TCK) (03/23)
TCK Fire Ants (TCK) (03/23)
TCK Fire Blossom (TCK) (03/23)
TCK Golden Granulosa (TCK) (03/23)
TCK Insane Clown Chalice Green Side (TCK) (05/23)
TCK Insane Clown Chalice Multi-Colors (TCK) (04/23)
TCK Pink Bomb Rainbow Chalice (TCK) (04/23)
TCK Pike Fire Tenuis (TCK) (04/23)
TCK Solar Beam Tenuis (TCK) (04/23)
TCK Sour Tie Dye Green Side (TCK) (04/23)
TCK Thunderbolt (TCK) (03/23)
TCK GlowForge (TCK) (04/23)
TSA Princess Peach (TCK) (03/23)
Tyree Pink Watermelon Chalice (TCK) (05/23)
UC Amazeballs Gonipora (TCK) (04/23)
Voodoo Corals Juicyfruit Monti (YourReef) (04/23)
WWC Blood Diamond Favia (TCK) (04/23)
WWC Bizarro Chalice (AquaSD) (06/23)
WWC Kung Pow Monti (TCK) (03/23)
WWC Strawberry Lemonade Chalice (Violet Aquariums) (05/23)
Yellow Mummy Eye Chalice (Violet Aquariums) (05/23)
YR Experimental Acro (YourReef) (02/23)
Fish List (Lineage) (Date):
Banngai Cardinal x 3 (Aqualife) (04/23)
Convict Tang (YourReef) (03/17)
Orange FireFish x 2 (Violet Aquariums) (06/23)
Lawnmower Blenny (Aqualife) (05/23)